When I found out that I was pregnant, homeschooling was the farthest thing from my mind. As Cinnamon grew, I thought more and more of Kindergarten. I couldn’t wait. Thoughts of shopping for school clothes and supplies, sending her off on the school bus for her first day of school in her adorable new school clothes. Joining the PTA. I was so excited. I had my son when Cinnamon was two. Still school sounded like so much fun. I sent Cinnamon to preschool when she was three. After all I wanted her to be fully prepared to start school. Around this time I started looking into the schools she would be attending… I was shocked. The ratings were terrible. I found a school nearby with good ratings. Problem solved- we would just get a variance. We then went on about our lives looking forward to school. I was looking forward to a little ME time! As Kindergarten loomed closer I couldn’t shake this uneasy feeling.
I did some more research on getting a variance and saw that it is not a sure bet. We wouldn’t even know if we had been excepted until right before school started! At this point I decided to enroll her in the school down the street. What else could I do? Registration day came… and went. I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. I had been praying to be led in the right direction. Homeschooling had been mentioned in a few conversations prior to that, but I wasn’t interested. I really can’t explain what happened next. I just woke up and knew with a doubt that homeschooling was the right decision. Since then I have argued prayed several times to make sure I was hearing my answer correctly and each time I have been given an answer that is just to loud and clear to ignore. So here I start my journey. I am terrified of the unknown. I am also filled with joy knowing that I am doing what God wants me to do and he will help me every step of the way. He knows what is right for my children and I am putting my faith in him.